
Top tips when starting exercise

New to exercise- follow these 8 top tips 

If you are new to exercise or you perhaps haven’t exercised for a while, consider these simple tips to ensure success.

  1. Have a vision- why am I wanting to exercise, what do I want to achieve and what do I need to get me there?
  2. Grab an exercise buddy- it is a lot easier to stick to something, when someone else is also there. Maybe ask a friend to join a class with you, go the gym with you or even just walk with you.
  3. Pick something you actually fancy doing, not what someone else thinks you should do. You are much more likely to stick with it.
  4. Invest in decent trainers- A good pair of trainers can make all the difference. Make sure they are fit for purpose. Speak to a local independent retailer for advice.
  5. Warm up, cool down and take exercise breaks- If you haven’t exercised for a while, the body will need to build itself up. Be kind to your body and gradually increase exercise durations and loads. Start small and build from there.
  6. Set realistic targets. Aim to repeat 3 times a week for 30 minutes to start.
  7. Don’t compare yourself to others. Just because the person next to you can do 100 squats, doesn’t mean you should. Pace yourself, listen to your body and enjoy your exercise.
  8. Accept that getting fit takes time and effort. You will not be beach ready after just 1 class. Learn to listen to how your body feels after each exercise session. Feel how much better and more energised you feel with each session and go with this. Learn to accept the ‘now’ and keep the vision of the future going too!

Exercise guidance in Worthing

At the Broadwater Osteopathic Practice we provide patients with both hands on treatments, alongside helping them with exercise, nutrition and lifestyle guidance. If you are struggling with exercise or simply need guidance following an injury, why not call our team or check them out here.

Nicki Wood one of our therapists runs classes locally, suitable for beginners, to help tone and strengthen. The classes are fun and laid back, but many of our patients have really benefited from them too.

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